Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Welcome Class of 2012

It has been such an exciting week here at U.C. The second semester of the year has started and spring is just around the corner. That means that it’s time for a new class to make their mark at Union Catholic High School. It seems hard to imagine, but it’s the class of 2012. It seems like only yesterday that I was walking into your classrooms on a warm September morning to introduce myself, and to tell you about what a great we have going here at Union Catholic. Now, in a few short days, we will be welcoming so many new members into our Union Catholic community.

Once again I would like to congratulate all of those who were accepted into the high schools of their choice. What a great accomplishment!!! It was so nice to see so many happy families at our scholarship reception. It was equally as nice to be able to spend the next night at our accepted students dance with so many excited future U.C. students. I hope all had a great time!!!

Finally, all of your hard work will pay off Saturday morning when you register for high school. I know how proud we are of all those who were accepted to Union Catholic. I look forward to spending the next four years with you and witnessing you grow in the classroom, on the field, and on the stage. You have reached the next stop in your journey and that stop just happens to be 1600 Martine Avenue, at the front doors of Union Catholic High School.

What a great day to be a Viking!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Winter is here!!!

Winter is such an exciting season here at Union Catholic because there is so much going on in anticipation of Christmas. Our Christmas semi-formal dance just passed with so many students having a great time. Our gymnasium was transformed into quite a winter wonderland.

Our winter athletic season has just started with great expectations. Our basketball teams look forward to strong seasons, while our bowling, swimming and track teams are ready for another successful run. Make sure you check our schedule on the website and stop in for a game.

The forensics team just came off a great weekend at Princeton University. Our Duo team placed fifth in the country and we are prepared for our league meet this weekend at Ridge High School.

Winter Pep Rally was also today. Music, games and lots of laughs as our winter sports teams were recognized and sent off with lots of confidence as they prepare for competition. I look forward to the Christmas season and to seeing all of my eighth grade friends in the upcoming weeks. Have a happy and safe holiday!!!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Can't Hide our Viking Pride

This school is off to a fast start, with so many exciting moments. Our fall Pep Rally took place this week and school spirit was in the air. Our varsity sports teams were in uniform, while students in the crowd sported their Blue Crew t-shirts. The Viking was in attendance and our cheerleaders kept the energy up with a great performance. One of the highlights was the student versus faculty volleyball game. Of course the faculty was victorious!!!

Open House has come and gone and it was great to see such an enormous crowd come out to visit our school. Their definitely was a buzz in the air that Tuesday night and I’m very excited to be meeting such nice eighth grade students and families. I am still making my way around the schools for visits, so if I haven’t been there yet, I’m on my way.

Our Forensics team has also gotten off to a fast start. While competing at the University of Pennsylvania in October, UC won second place nationally in the category of Declamation. That is the second year in a row that we have won that award. We begin our league meets at the end of this month. With about thirty Union Catholic students competing, we are looking for to a good start at that first meet held here at Union Catholic. We are also looking forward to our other away meets at Princeton and Harvard.

If you get a chance this weekend, stop by and check out Union County Tournament action as our soccer teams and volleyball team compete for victories. Check the website for dates and times. See you soon!!!!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Welcome Back

A new school year has begun and there is definitely a buzz in the hallways of Union Catholic High School. It may be the juniors and seniors settling in as upperclassmen, the freshman becoming high school students, or even the excitement of the sophomores to no longer be freshman. Whatever it is, it is definitely an exciting time to be a Viking. I want to welcome our large freshman class and express our excitement in having them as part of our community.

There is so much going on here at U.C. already. Our fall sports teams have begun their seasons with high expectations and our clubs are starting to appoint student leaders. Our Welcome Back Dance is next Friday and the students are already making plans to attend. It almost seems like school has been back for a month, and it is only day three.

I look forward to meeting the eighth grade classes when I visit your schools. I’m sure I will see you soon. We are also looking forward to our Days of Recollection for the eighth graders at the end of the month. Those days are a few of my favorites.

Stop in a catch a game and join in on the excitement!!!!

Monday, May 07, 2007

End of the year is almost here.

It is very hard to believe, but this school year has almost come and gone. One reason for this is the fact that it has been so busy here at Union Catholic. Spring sports are in full swing, which much success for all of our teams. Our Spring Open House was a huge success, with many excited families in attendance. Our Mr. Union Catholic Pageant was a great time with lots of laughs. Juniors had an incredible time at their Junior Prom. Students are now purchasing tickets to our annual Great Adventure trip in June. Never a dull moment!

Our Baseball teams are playing in the Union County Tournament with high expectations. Both our Varsity and Junior Varsity teams are off to a good start and hope to gain some momentum towards tournament time. Come check out a game! Our Spring Track team also had much success while setting meet records at the Conference meet. Great Job!

Our Forensics team is preparing to host our 11th annual Elementary School Forensics Tournament. The tournament will take place Monday, May 21st. Students will compete in such events as Reading, Drama, Humor, Declamation, and Duo Interpretation. This is one of my favorite events. We are very anxious to see what pieces students have come up with. Good Luck! Our Forensics members are preparing for the National Competition in Houston, Texas. That should be a great chance for us to showcase our skills against the best in the country.

So much is going on, no wonder the year has gone by so quickly. Good luck the rest on the school year. See you at the BBQ in June!!!

Friday, March 02, 2007

Ready To Be Locked In!!!!

Hi Everyone,

Next week is our annual Lock-In here at Union Catholic for the registered students of the Class of 2011. What an exciting night! It is definitely one of my favorite nights. This is somewhat of a reminder for the students who have not yet registered. It is not too late. The night consists of music, food, games and a lot of fun and laughs. There will be prizes, special guest and an overall great atmosphere. The night runs from 7p.m.-12 midnight. All that you have to bring is yourself and a lot of energy. I don’t want to reveal too much about the evening, so see you all next week. I’m looking forward to it!

Friday, February 23, 2007

Great Weekend!!

This past weekend, fourteen members of the Forensics Team showed their skills against the nations best at Harvard University in Boston. It was an exciting, but very cold weekend. We were very pleased with the results as two of our Senior students, Ed Sagendorf and John Rotondo, finished in the top forty out of two hundred and thirty Duo teams. Ed and John do a scene from, The Producers, which is very funny. Competitions took place Saturday and Sunday on the campus of Harvard, but we were left with more than enough time to do some sight seeing and eat at some of the finest restaurants in Boston. Many of our team members are now looking forward to the National Forensics Competition that will take place Memorial Day weekend in Houston, Texas. What a fantastic way for our team members to display their talents!